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The unplugged chronicles: My 31-day social media detox

Why the month without social media was the best choice for me

Kristjan Hiis
6 min readSep 2, 2024


The first part of this story can be found below

Small disclaimer:

I got the idea of trying this out from one of our fellow writers in Medium. Heikki Hellgren, thank you for the inspiration.

The Call to Silence

A few moons ago, about 31, I went on a different kind of sabbatical, a social media one. As I was inspired by Heikki, I wanted to embark on a personal revelation, sharing the inner turmoil and external pressures that led to my decision to take a meaningful break from social media.

The time that I had put into watching yet another 30-second video or opting to doom-scroll my Facebook wall had taken a toll on me. I saw it affecting my own life and the lives of those who are close to me.

I saw the negatives that affected me, and I realized that the constant noise from my online world was overwhelming, and it was time to…

